Trust No One by Keri Beevis

Trust No One

by Keri Beevis

A long, long time ago, you did a bad, bad thing.

And now it's time to pay.

When Olivia Blake receives a note, she thinks someone is playing a prank on her, until she is lured to an empty house where she witnesses a man burning to death. Then she realises that the threat is serious. The problem is, Olivia doesn't know what it is she is supposed to have done.

As she tries to find out who is tormenting her, someone watches her from the shadows. Someone who knows the truth about a tragic accident that happened years ago. And that someone won't stop until every one of the sinners has paid.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. When it comes to punishing the wicked, there will be no mercy...

Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

5 of 5 stars

Well, this woman! She is a tricksy little minx! She will have you suspecting your own gran of murder if you let her!! This is a dark tale of revenge and a lot of fire!

It is the first devilish tale I have read by Keri and I chose a good one. I questioned everyone, I suspected a few people including the MC! No one is safe. We are thrown into a full circle tale and it is so deliciously good. I will be coming back for more for sure.

We have characters all closed off and slightly damaged by the past. All affecting them in different ways and sometimes not for the better. Things are sinister from the get-go and it is relentless. Even when you think things are quietening down, Keri will be there pulling the rug from under you. She is not here to give you an easy ride that’s for sure!!

When you are given behind the scenes with the said psychopath, the author tries to reach the reader, to encourage some empathy or even some sympathy. Weirdly, in this book, I had very little. I closed myself off, couldn’t forgive for some reason. I just didn’t accept the reasoning but what is odd I agreed with everything they were doing. I marvelled how they did things, how they got away with it just and had no remorse for the victims. I just didn’t like the said killer. They intrigued me, they shocked me but I think it is because I felt they didn’t want sympathy they just wanted to cold-blooded revenge. I mean is there anything better? I know I am such a conundrum! I found it thrilling and exciting and all deliciously good in that way, I didn’t give sympathy, mainly because I didn’t want to be next on the list, but it is a very dark tale for sure. My favourite kind.

Trust No One will keep you hooked and up all night if you allow it. Olivia and her story is not a light read but it is an addictive one as you race to find out what the heck is going on, but will you be too late? It kept me up late and woke me up early to find out the truth behind the fateful day of the past. To find out who would be next and what terrifying way would they be killed. I love books that just ebb away at you, constantly on your mind and is in the back of your mind whispering Read Me because I assure you that is what happened here!!

My first book by Keri and now I am hooked I will be going to check out her other books for sure!

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  • Started reading
  • 29 October, 2020: Finished reading
  • 29 October, 2020: Reviewed