Enchantment by Nikki Jefford

Enchantment (Spellbound, #3)

by Nikki Jefford

Barcelona. Summer escape. Or so Graylee Perez thought until her old adversary, Adrian Montez, brings his magic show to Spain. Gray seeks out a Spanish wizard to help banish Adrian from her life once and for all. Instead, she tumbles headfirst into a love spell with the arrogant warlock. After Gray follows Adrian to Paris, she must face her true feelings and decide if Adrian’s worth fighting for.

Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

Much like its predecessors, Enchantment is a fun, light-hearted, and magical read. However, it is missing some of the excitement of the previous book. It starts off a little slow with Gray in Spain, on a non-magical retreat. Things do start to pick up a bit once she runs into Adrian, and she has a reaction to him that she wasn't quite expecting. About halfway in, I really started to enjoy Enchantment. I had an idea of where the story would go when I finished Duplicity, and it was not what I got at all. But once I accepted this unexpected direction I really liked it and found that it worked perfectly (if a bit cheesily) to end this trilogy.

There are a couple of plot threads running their course in Enchantment. The main one being Gray attempting to make a fresh start for herself and find her new place in the world. She still feels like the duplicate, the extra Graylee, so she's wondering what to do with herself. Spain offers her new friends and romance, but the past always has a way of coming back to get you. Gray's story is mainly a romantic one, as someone has put her under a love spell. The object of her affection? Adrian Montez, of course! She's all he ever wanted, but he's struggling to do the right thing knowing that Gray is not 100 percent herself. I loved watching these two together! There's more background information on Adrian, which makes him more sympathetic, and I grew quite fond of him. Much like Gray did, to her surprise.

I do wish the romance between Gray and Adrian hadn't been as dominant as it was. I was really hoping to see more of Ryan's revenge. He's out searching for Charlene, who still hadn't shown up by the end of Duplicity. He also needed to get hold of Gray, since he wanted to put Charlene back into her body. Obviously Gray doesn't want to be purged, so the story could have had a bit more tension and excitement if Ryan was actively hunting her. As it is, it was very much in the background, even after Charlene has been found. She has a new body. One nobody would expect her to pick up, but she's not willing to let it go. I was dreading her return a bit, but her scenes are hilarious! I loved this twist.

While I missed Lee and Raj, their story was pretty much complete. Enchantment is focused on Gray discovering who she is, on her own and in relation to everyone else. I enjoyed going on this journey with her, especially since it takes us on a tour of Spain and Paris. Like I said before, the ending is on the cheesy side, but that's kind of to be expected given the magical nature of the series. It seems like everything was resolved in some way, but I would have liked to have seen more of the other characters aside from Gray and Adrian. Overall, this is was a great conclusion to a fun series.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 17 April, 2013: Reviewed