Anything He Wants 3: The Secret by Sara Fawkes

Anything He Wants 3: The Secret (Dominated by the Billionaire, #3)

by Sara Fawkes

She never met a man like him before, a powerful billionaire who always gets what he wants. Now she's about to enter an exclusive world of glittering opulence and all-consuming passion—where she'll explore the darkest reaches of her own desire.

The glittering life of the ultra-rich is overwhelming, and more than a little treacherous. Serving as her billionaire boss's date/escort to a charity gala in Paris, Lucy Delacourt must learn to navigate the turbulent world he inhabits. Easier said than done -- Jeremiah is keeping secrets, including a deeply possessive streak that comes out when Lucy is introduced to his unscrupulous brother, Lucas. Caught in their family war, it is Lucy's own personal discovery that she might be forming an attachment to her carefully guarded boss that really rocks her world. But some secrets are more dangerous than others, and Lucy may have stumbled into a trap meant for another with potentially deadly consequences.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Series review to come

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  • Started reading
  • 25 September, 2012: Finished reading
  • 25 September, 2012: Reviewed