Your Pregnancy Quick Guide: Labor and Delivery by Dr. Glade B. Curtis, Judith Schuler

Your Pregnancy Quick Guide: Labor and Delivery

by Dr. Glade B. Curtis and Judith Schuler

Tips for preparing mentally and physically for the big day How to recognize the onset of labor When to go to the hospital after labor begins Guidance on choosing between natural childbirth and one with medical intervention What you need to know about Cesarean delivery Information on the different pain relief options Advice for your partner or labor coach An overview of the tests you'll go through during and after delivery

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars

I wish I had read this before my labor and delivery, but even reading it in the days afterward was very useful. It was reassuring to read about normalcy and have answers to questions about things that occurred and would occur in the days soon to come. This book answers many of the questions that a new mom has and may not think to ask her doctor. Questions can be answered or prompted from this little quick guide. It is short enough to read in snippets and enjoy the information gained. I recommend it and look forward to other Quick Guides from the "Your Pregnancy" series.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 August, 2009: Finished reading
  • 3 August, 2009: Reviewed