Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

If the first book was brimming with emotion, this one is overflowing! From the very first page we're hit with some rough scenes as Nadija completes her transition into her new life. There's also a ton of secrets being hidden. Everyone's got them, but some will be more damaging than others when they eventually come out. Nadija's definitely got a lot on her plate in Mariposa.

It's not secret that I'm a vampiraholic. I love pretty much all things vampire, so I was excited to watch Dija adjust to her new life as one of the undead. I absolutely love the vampires that the author has created. Their needs and urges are frightening, yet sexy. Dija has pretty good control since she already had magical abilities, but it was still interesting being in her head as she deals with these new feelings. I especially liked her new relationship with James. He's a very interesting character, and I'm definitely looking forward to more of him.

This book has A LOT of new information. Dija is getting settled into her new role as Guardian queen, and as the first hybrid, so naturally we have a lot to learn about these things. However, there's also a lot of history regarding vampires, Guardians, and God. While interesting, this unfortunately comes as rather lenghy info-dumps, typically in the form of Olga telling Dija a story.

I did enjoy this one more than the first book, and that ending definitely confirmed my gut feeling that something huge is coming. I wonder how Nadija is going to keep it together to handle this new situation.

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  • 27 September, 2012: Finished reading
  • 27 September, 2012: Reviewed