Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

A hard-hitting tale of war and peace

Thinking back on this book, my eyes are filling with tears again. Painful tears because the story is not pretty. It highlights a terrible time in history and a culture that believed might makes right and that honor matters more than anything else. And yet happy tears because it is the story of redemption highlighting the mercy and grace that come only from God.

Using time-slip to connect the events during the war and the time thereafter, the author seamlessly and naturally wove the narrative around the lives of two very different people, the American flyer who dropped bombs that destroyed Japanese lives and the young woman turned prostitute seeking her family’s honor through revenge.

Reading this story ripped my heart into pieces. Yet, despite its dark nature, there were glimmers of hope. And it was so compelling and beautifully written I was drawn forward, needing to see how it worked out.

I confess that I almost quit part-way through. It was just so much. Experiencing the pain and privation of the prisoner of war. Reading of the abuse and shame and pain of a young woman forced into a despicable profession that she couldn’t let her father know about. Seeing her overwhelming need for avenging the deaths of so many in her family. Desperately seeking honor against seemingly insurmountable odds.

It hurt. Yet I am so glad I finished. The hope and redemption that shone through made it all worthwhile. While Dave’s story was not unexpected, Miyako’s story was so full of twists and turns and surprises I never knew what to expect or even what to hope for her.

I plan on reading the next book in the series, realizing even now that it, too, will probably affect me like this. While the ending was enough, it hinted at much more to come and I am anxiously awaiting its release already.

I am amazed that this masterpiece was written by a debut author. Keep your eyes on her – if the books that follow are anything like this one, she is going to be winning all kinds of awards!

If you are looking for a light, easy read, keep looking – this is not it. But if you are looking for a story that has substance, one that will challenge you, look no further. Be prepared to read it the entire way through, though – you will not want to put it down.

In case you didn’t pick up on this from the book description or the review, I’ll just put a quick warning here. This story is not for young teenagers. It is incredibly heavy subject matter. Torture, prostitution, and the horrors of a nation recovering from war. While it is handled delicately and tactfully, it is a major part of the story and the author did not attempt to disguise or whitewash it.

Read my full review with a Preview at Among the Reads

I was given a copy of this book for free. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  • 16 January, 2019: Reviewed