Reviewed by Molly J(Cover To Cover Cafe) on

5 of 5 stars

This is a new to me author and one I'll be reading again! Dragon Seed really pulled me into the heart of the story instantly. From the start I was completely engrossed and taken on a fast paced ride of what's right and wrong. That's saying something for this book as I'm not a huge fan of young adult reads. However, this book....oh, this book really hooked me!

As a mom of two teens, one of whom is troubled and angry often times, this book hit home with me in so many ways. It's so much more than a simple young adult read. It's a book filled with Bible lessons and messages of prideful ways and seeking more of Him. I loved that! These are the kinds of characters, and plot lines, that I want to see my children reading! Lessons of good versus evil, right versus wrong....all of it so gripping!

This book is definitely worthy of 5 stars. It's phenomenaly created, it's well rounded with complex characters and God's lessons. If you are looking for a laugh out loud book for your child/teenager, then this isn't quite the book for you. If you are looking for a fantabulously written book, that will leave them thinking over and over again, then yes. Definitely grab this book up. It's not only for children/teens, but any adult who seeks a better relationship with God or who struggles with pride. The book comes with devotionals at the end. I can't wait to pass this on to my kiddos to see what they think! Well done, Mr. Machowski! Well done!This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads

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  • 11 July, 2017: Reviewed