Reviewed by Lynn on

5 of 5 stars

A beautiful, heart-rending and thought provoking story of two people who meet at the wrong time in their lives. This poignant story will tug at your heart, especially if like myself you have first hand experience of someone burdened with the daily demands life places on us. But out of despair comes light and also hope, that broken pieces will mend sufficiently to move forward in life again.

Tackling a heavy duty subject like depression is never going to be easy within the realms of a romantic tale, but the author has done a wonderful job of making emotions raw and very real. It is impossible not to get sucked into the heart of the plot and empathise with the protagonists. All characters are multi-faceted, believable, relatable and likable. We get to hear the voices of both Jessie and Boyd as they both deal with their problems and to understand how it all impacts on themselves and those that surround them – questioning whether current lifestyles and demands are work risking personal happiness and contentment.

I've purposely not included any book blurb within the review because I don't want to add more than is revealed within the synopsis. Proof is very much in the reading, so be prepared to go on a deeply emotional journey. I heartily recommend this amazing book.
I love it when an author engages their readers in such a way that when they have finished telling the story, it triggers your imagination to take over. Heart Grow Fonder is such a book and thanks to Cristy Rey it will stay with me for a very long time.

4½ Stars

***ace received in exchange for an honest review***

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  • Started reading
  • 14 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 14 January, 2015: Reviewed