Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

5 of 5 stars

Sorry, but I am having trouble writing this review through my tears. Oh, Caylie Marcoe, you made me ugly cry -- more than once. This was a really beautiful story of a girl, Haley, who is struggling with the happiness she feels when with a boy, Eli, and the sadness she believes she should feel due to her mother's illness.

Eli. Now there is another book boyfriend who has ruined me. He just knows what to say, how to act, when to act. He is patient and kind -- he gives the kind of love you read about in 1 Corinthians. And he loves Haley, has loved Haley since the first day they met. Swoon. Their interactions are adorable and I loved watching their relationship evolve. Haley, though, I kind of wanted to smack her -- often. I tried to sympathize with her, and I tried to understand her situation, but it was Eli, how could she do these things to Eli. Frustrating!

The chapters where Haley's family were center stage were some of the most beautiful parts of the story. Yes, these parts wrecked me, but they also allowed me to glimpse the precious love between her parents, and their love for her and her brother.

Not only did Haley have a wonderful family, her two best friends were pretty awesome too. All in all, Haley was one lucky girl.

This book sort of had it all for me. It was funny, sad, sweet, and a very enjoyable read.

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  • Started reading
  • 25 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 25 January, 2015: Reviewed