Filthy Beautiful Lust by Kendall Ryan

Filthy Beautiful Lust (Filthy Beautiful Lies, #3) (Filthy Beautiful, #3)

by Kendall Ryan

From the author of Filthy Beautiful Lies and Filthy Beautiful Love


'Tell me what you need,' I ask, lacing my fingers with hers. The simple act of holding her hand makes my blood pump faster.
'I need you to be careful with me and Max,' she whispers.

Pace Drake loves sex, and he makes no apology for getting what he wants, when he wants it. But when he meets, Kylie Sloan, he's enthralled by her and begins to question his standard operating procedure. Kylie's depth and determination make the hookups that fill his weekends seem empty and shallow. She doesn't want or need anyone to take care of her and that only makes him want to care for her more.
Kylie's trust in men has vanished. The last man she was with played ding-dong-ditch-it with her uterus and now the infant son he left her to raise alone is the only man she has time for. Pace wants to prove to her that he is one of the good guys, but can she really trust that his days of hitting it and quitting it are gone forever?

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

If you've read the first two book in the Filthy Beautiful Lies series, than you probably think Pace Drake is the world biggest playboy and could never settle for one woman. But what everyone thinks about this man and what he's really like are a bit different. Yes, he's slept with many woman. But it only takes one to make a man see where his future lies and for Pace....that woman is Kylie Sloan.

I loved Pace in Colton's books. He was the brother that would stand behind you when you needed it, tell you when your head was up your ass or just be there for you. I was so happy Kendall Ryan was giving him his own story, because I knew there was more to Pace when we got our first glimpse of Pace with Max. He was a man who had a lot of potential, he just needed a reason to throw his playboy ways behind him. Of course, he find that reason in Colton's employee. He was warned away from her, but he couldn't help but be someone that could help lesson Kylie's burdens. He knew nothing about being a single parent, but he kept putting himself out there with her, not knowing if he was ever going to get this gun-shy woman to trust his feelings towards her. I was pretty sure I was ready for Pace to come help distract me from some of my day-to-day craziness if Kylie wasn't open to his line of helping.

As a mom, I knew where Kylie was coming from and could understand her need to protect herself and her son from falling for a man who I thought might not stick around. But I couldn't understand how she could push Pace away, when he's never given her any reason to doubt him, despite what his past might say about him. But was quick to give Max's father a second chance when he's abandoned her when she needed him most. It was frustrating, even when I could sympathize with her situation and understand how she struggled to make the right decision for herself and her son.

As much as I loved Colton's books, I think Pace is my favorite Drake brother. There was so much more to this man than just his sex god looks. The author did a fantastic job of giving Pace a depth that demonstrated his struggles with his feelings for this woman and her son versus who he was minutes before he realized Kylie really did need him. You don't have to agree with everything Pace did, but it was hard to deny that he was the perfect man for Kylie and father to Max.

Another fabulously delicious read from Kendall Ryan. She's a must read author for me and never disappoints in giving readers a book that doesn't allow for you to put it down until the very last page is read.

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  • 31 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 31 October, 2014: Reviewed