Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

The Never Over You series was one hell of an emotional roller coaster. Mia and Ethan were the king and queen of miscommunication, which resulted in us following them for several years as Mia spiraled out of control because one or both of them refused to open their mouth about exactly how they felt. It was frustrating a lot of the time, but by the time we get to the end of book 3 we discover that despite everything they had gone through this couple fought for their HEA and learned what they needed to do to ensure their relationship never faltered again.

For most of the series, Mia's life was in constant chaos. She was living her dream, but at the same time her demons did a hell of a job pulling her under. She bravely fought those demons, but when things between her and Ethan hit a rough patch, she generally let the demons pull her under. It's hard to follow someone as they self destruct, but you hope at some point that self destruction is going to serve as a wake up call to that person. That was the case with Mia. It was hard for Ethan to stand by as the love of his life falter, for Luke to see his best friend destroy herself and for her bandmates to worry about what she was doing. As I read the middle part of the series, I was right there with them. Wondering when Mia was going to get it together. She eventually does, but I knew as she fought to overcome everything, she was going to have to learn how to battle back those demons when life threw her a curve ball.

Ethan and Mia's relationship had it's fair share of bumps caused by Mia, but towards the end of the series, it's Ethan that threw things into chaos. His inability to communicate with Mia, talk about how he really feels during certain situations, led to a huge breakdown in their relationship. It was during this breakdown that we saw just how strong Mia had become. Ethan was the strong one. The one that was Mia's support line. But with her trust in Ethan shaky, she proved she could be strong for herself and for her family, if she's fighting for the right thing.
This was an interesting series. It had me on a bit of a rollercoaster, with moments where I was happy, pissed off or wondering what the hell was going on. Author Ryleigh Andrews took us on a journey with Ethan and Mia. They had real problems. Real struggles. And in the end, showed how a real couple has to work at their relationship, no matter how much love they have.

This was a great Facebook recommendation. A series I'm glad I read.

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  • 25 August, 2015: Reviewed