Twisted by Andrea Kane

Twisted (Burbank and Parker, #1)

by Andrea Kane

Former FBI Special Agent Sloane Burbank survived a life-threatening injury sustained in the line of duty, only to face leaving a job she loves in order to recuperate. As an independent consultant, she now uses her specialized skills to train law enforcement and private organizations in crisis resolution. But when one of her closest childhood friends mysteriously disappears, and the woman's parents beg for her help, Sloane takes the case--even though her ex-lover Derek Parker is the FBI agent in charge.

Reviewed by ibeforem on

3 of 5 stars

First of all, I need to say that I liked the story. I liked Sloane, I liked Derek, I liked their backstory, I liked the concept of the kidnappings. The suspense level was good, the red herring convincing to a point. However, I had some issues with the writing. I didn’t like the soliloquies by the bad guy and the victims. The sex scenes were *awful*… almost clinical (could we find a substitute for "spurted", please?). The entire dialogue between Sloane and the bad guy in the end parts of the book seemed really formal and fake and not like how normal people would speak, at all. Crazy or not. The climax was a little anti-climatic (could it have been any easier for Sloane?). And Greek mythology is such a large part of the book that the title "Twisted" comes off as really generic and uninspired.

But despite all that, the core story is enough for me to want to pick up another Andrea Kane book. So she must have done something right!

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  • Started reading
  • 12 July, 2008: Finished reading
  • 12 July, 2008: Reviewed