I absolutely love Mark Forsyth's books and this one was the last one I had of his to read. Its focus in on the lost words of the English language and he's broken it down into a parody, of sorts, of a book of hours. We start at 6 a.m. and learn about the words applicable to dawn and waking up, then proceed to travel through the day of work, lunch, shopping, and socialising, ending up in bed at midnight. All done with Forsyth's trademark humour.
Ultimately, I didn't love it as much as his other two books, the Entymologicon and the The Elements of Eloquence but it was still excellent and I highly recommend it for those that just love words.
He's also got a new book out, A Christmas Cornucopia : The Hidden Stories Behind Our Yuletide Traditions, which is, of course, on my To Buy list.