Black Trillium by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Julian May, Andre Norton

Black Trillium (Saga of the Trillium, #1)

by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Julian May, and Andre Norton

Those with the gift have the power One stormy night, three princesses are born. As each baby is placed into her mother's arms, so the Archimage Binah bestows on her a gift of great power: a pendant containing a bud of the long-extinct Black Trillium. One day that power will be all that protects the princesses from certain doom

Reviewed by Beth C. on

2 of 5 stars

I grew up reading Marion Zimmer Bradley and Andre Norton. In fact, I would go so far as to say that those two authors are the biggest factor in my continual love for the Fantasy genre. So it was with great excitement that I started reading 'Black Trillium'. While I finished the book less excited than when I began it, I did still enjoy it.

The story itself was interesting, and I loved the idea of the three sisters with their own *and* combined destinies. However, it felt like the book was too long, like it actually could have been more of a novella than a full novel. The characters, on the other hand, rarely ever really felt fully fleshed out.

Overall, I'm glad I read the book, but it didn't leave me with a sense of being touched by the story.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 15 November, 2015: Reviewed