Intrusion by Charlotte Stein

Intrusion (Under the Skin, #1)

by Charlotte Stein

"I believed I would never be able to trust any man again. That kindness was only for fools and would lead me down that same terrible path into darkness. I thought so with every fiber of my being--and then I met Noah Gideon Grant. Everyone says he's dangerous. He never comes out of his house--a place that looks like it could be featured in Serial Killers Monthly. But the thing is...I think something happened to him too. I know the chemistry between us isn't just in my head. I know he feels it, but he's holding back. The pleasure he gives me is unreal--if only I could give something in return. If only he would let me in. I think I can make him feel something good. And for the first time in forever, I want to. He's made a labyrinth of himself. Now all I need to do is dare to find my way through"--Page 4 of cover.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Intrusion is told from the perspective of Beth. She is a single woman living alone across the street from the dilapidated home of a recluse. Every neighborhood has a home like it. Where you suspect the person living inside is a serial killer and has bodies in his basement. No one really knows. A misunderstanding has the two meeting. Beth suddenly realizes Noah Gideon Grant is a lot like her. A friendship and slow building erotic relationship begins between these two souls. Despite its short length, Stein did a fantastic job of fleshing out her characters. She slowly peeled back their layers, exposing their back-stories, and allowing us to connect. The whole story had a sense of suspense to it. The uncertainty and slow reveals built up tension and kept me engaged. Intrusion was dark, disturbing, hot and beautiful.

Copy received from publisher.This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 13 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 13 October, 2014: Reviewed