Two Ravens and One Crow by Kevin Hearne

Two Ravens and One Crow (The Iron Druid Chronicles)

by Kevin Hearne

Atticus O'Sullivan is back in an all-new, action-packed, laugh-out-loud novella from the author of the Iron Druid Chronicles. Two-thousand-year-old Atticus may have outwitted and outfought everyone from Odin to Bacchus, but in this ebook original, he's about to discover what comes around when you go around messing with gods.

Six years into the training of his beautiful apprentice, Granuaile, a large crow swoops down and transforms into none other than the Morrigan, a goddess who insists that Atticus come with her at once. He must leave his apprentice behind, along with his Irish wolfhound, Oberon - and he must also...

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Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

4 of 5 stars


A really good, wholly contained short story that takes place between Tricked and... the one after Tricked.  I haven't read Tricked yet, but I had no problems following this novella at all. The author's website does say though, that events in this novella are pretty important in the next full-length book.   

Atticus has to pay the piper for events that took place in Hammered and the Morrigan acts as a mediator and facilitator when it comes times to face down Odin himself and answer for his actions.  But things are interrupted when someone tries to assassinate Atticus and the mortal enemies must work together to chase down the assassin.   

After a rather exciting chase, the action ends rather abruptly, but it is an excellent novella.  I listened to this one on audio and once again was stuck with Christopher Raglan as the narrator; fortunately I didn't have to listen to his bad Clint Eastwood impersonation since the story didn't involve Leif, but I was stuck with his idea of Oberon, which I've realised sounds like an impersonation of Peter Faulk playing Columbo with partial facial paralysis.   

Curses to publishing houses everywhere that restrict audiobook editions by country.  Seriously... a pox on your ledger books.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 June, 2016: Finished reading
  • 20 June, 2016: Reviewed