Creating Children's Artwork Quilts by Shannon Gingrich Shirley

Creating Children's Artwork Quilts

by Shannon Gingrich Shirley

Do you have your children’s artwork hanging on your walls or refrigerator doors? Have you saved their artwork since they were young, but you don’t know what to do with it? This fun, do-it-yourself quilting book offers a chance to preserve your children’s artwork by incorporating it into quilts and other fiber art projects. Small quilts for wall hanging or full-size quilts for snuggling will be enjoyed all the more when they are decorated with these childhood keepsakes. Projects range from simple and quick to elaborate and time-consuming works of art. Chapters include artwork selection, techniques, combining multiple pieces of art, product lists, and a glossary of terms. A gallery of completed works will inspire your own creative ideas. Instruction for both novice and seasoned quilters is provided. What a great way to recreate and preserve the artwork from the special children in your life.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

What an interesting idea for making quilts! Basically this is a book that shows steps, with great photo task by task images of how to take artwork from your children and turn it into quilts that will last. I read this through an electronic version and while in this way the font was a little hard on my eyes, I do not think that would be the case holding the physical book. I'm not sure this is a project that I would undertake, as with the reproduction and tracing it may be more talent that I have. But I think it is a fabulous idea, and it appears that the steps are really broken down through out the pages of this book that it is really do-able. Wouldn't be surprised to see this on the next shop hop run.

*Thanks to Schiffer Books for loaning an electronic copy for review through NetGalley.*


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  • Started reading
  • 9 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 9 October, 2012: Reviewed