(Don't You) Forget about Me by Kate Karyus Quinn

(Don't You) Forget about Me

by Kate Karyus Quinn

Traces the emotionally complex journey of a teenage girl haunted by the strange disappearance of her sister and the secretive power that fuels a hometown where virtually nobody ever gets sick or dies.

Reviewed by limabean74 on

4 of 5 stars

Not even sure where to start with this one. If it wasn’t for the last 40% (kindle book) I might have bailed out but now that I am finished I am kind of glad I didn’t. As much as I found the story confusing and really weird, I actually liked the characters in this book.

I am not even sure how to explain the book. I don’t like to re-explain the synopsis but I think just to get my head into a What-did-I-just-read mode here it is… It’s about a town that you never die, people come from all over when they are on the brink of dying to live in Gardnerville so they can live forever but the must leave everything else behind and they can’t leave the town. This comes with a price every 4 years the kids in the town get a sort of 4 year madness and cause death and then are sent to the reformatory up the hill but once you go you never come out the same. Skylar takes pills called forget me not to forget that her sister Piper is gone. Sky believes her sister in in the reformatory and she will do everything to get her out but something is different about the people in the town and soon Sky learns something that will change her forever.

Ok so I didn’t give anything away and I think this pretty much sums up what is in my head. I thought the world build was good, I had a very solid picture of what Gardnerville looked like and what it felt like to live there. The way the story is broken up you are in the present and then in the past. The story is told in Sky’s POV in the present and even the flashback chapters are in her POV but told as if she is telling a story to Piper (kind of hard to explain).

I enjoyed the characters, Skylar was all messed up and you really felt her confusion (probably because you were confused too) but she was likable. I’m not sure I liked Piper that much. Who I did like and wanted more of was Foote, his story is intriguing and the possible love story with Skylar was great but sort of fell apart at some point, I was a little disappointed. All the secondary characters had a strong connection to the whole story and you get a great sense of how the town affected everyone that lived in it

This was really weird but I liked it, I thought I wasn’t going to but I really did. I gave (Don’t you) forget about me by Kate Karyus Quinn 4/5 stars. Her style of writing is unique and I would definitely read another book of hers. I would say give it a try, It really wasn’t bad and it’s actually interesting and I love how it ended. I would totally recommend.

- See more at: http://www.becausereading.com/review-dont-forget-review/#sthash.LZRj71lt.dpuf

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  • Started reading
  • 21 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 21 March, 2014: Reviewed