Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

4 of 5 stars

Essential Reading. For Everyone. Christian or Not. Stevens does an excellent job of speaking his message and not really worrying about whose toes he steps on - indeed, he almost seems to make it a point at times to try to step on *everyone's* toes in some way. Yes, the book comes across as overly preachy and overly WASPy at times. But the core of the message is absolutely essential to us all, and very likely the key to saving this nation (no matter what nation you may be in) and indeed the world. The *only* reason this book is getting 4 stars rather than 5 is specifically because of the times of overly preachy and overly WASPy - but seriously, get through those parts if you don't like them, and concentrate on the rest of the message here.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 October, 2018: Finished reading
  • 2 October, 2018: Reviewed