Daughter Of Deep Silence by Carrie Ryan

Daughter Of Deep Silence

by Carrie Ryan

In the wake of the complete destruction of the luxury yacht Persephone, three people are left alive who know the truth about what happened and two of them are lying. Only Frances Mace, rescued from the ocean after seven days adrift with her friend Libby (who died of thirst just before rescue), knows that the Persephone wasn't sunk by a rogue wave as survivors Senator Wells and his son Greyson are claiming it was attacked. In order to insure her safety from the obviously dangerous and very powerful Wells family, Libby's father helps Frances assume Libby's identity. Frances has spent years in hiding, transforming herself into Libby, and she can no longer allow the people who murdered her entire family and Libby to get away with it even if she had been in love with Greyson Wells. After years of careful plotting, she's ready to set her revenge plans into motion. The game has just begun, and Frances is not only playing dirty, she's playing to win.

Reviewed by pagingserenity on

4 of 5 stars

I think Daughter of Deep Silence was a pretty good thriller with plot twists at every turn. I also liked the flashbacks and most of the supporting characters. However, I wasn’t a big fan of the main character (she had too many character flaws for me to like her), the romance (instant love, ew), some of the details (they just didn't quite add up) and the open ending (they left me with way too many questions).

Overall, I would give Daughter of Deep Silence 3.5 stars if I could, but I rounded up here because I can't.

To read my full review, visit Paging Serenity.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 12 July, 2015: Reviewed