Arclight by Josin L. McQuein

Arclight (Arclight, #1)

by Josin L. McQuein

A harrowing sci-fi thriller that #1 New York Times bestselling author Pittacus Lore proclaimed "Powerful and gripping." This bold and astonishing novel about identity, unnerving connections, tortured romance, and facing our worst nightmares is made for fans of Veronica Roth, Stephen King, and Justin Cronin.

The Arclight is the last refuge in a post-apocalyptic world consumed by terrifying creatures called the Fade. No one crosses the wall of light that keeps the last human survivors safe. There's nothing else left and nowhere to go. Or so they thought, until Marina, a lone teenage girl, stumbles out of the Dark.

Marina doesn't remember who she is, where she came from, or how she survived. And the Fade want her back. When one of them infiltrates the compound and recognizes Marina, she begins to unlock secrets she didn't even know she had. Marina knows she's an outsider, but she'll do anything to protect those who saved her. Whether they want her help or not.

Reviewed by Amber on

4 of 5 stars

I must say, I am pleasantly surprised! I wasn't sure what to expect going into this, due to my whole "don't read synopses, don't read reviews" thing I have for books I have yet to read. I don't like spoilers, okay? Which is kind of silly since I'm running a recap site and there are spoilers everywhere, but whatever. Anyway, I really liked Arclight! I finished it in just over 24 hours, and that is probably a record for me over these past few months. Damn reading funks.

Full review on Books of Amber

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  • Started reading
  • 15 April, 2013: Finished reading
  • 15 April, 2013: Reviewed