Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I have read every book in this series thus far as such when the opportunity came for me to read Dead Heat, I could not resist. This is the sixth book in the series, and I can’t seem to get enough of Booker. The moment, I was introduced to him; I knew I would like him. Booker is a man of integrity, which is a characteristic any good cop should possess. He was not the type of person to look the other way when innocent people were being taken advantage of by his colleagues. It was this quality that led to him being ousted from the Dallas Police Department. Booker would not allow the actions of the department to bring him down, instead he put his investigative skills to good use by becoming a private investigator.

In this installment, cops are being murdered. Booker is secretly hired by the chief of police to uncover the mastermind behind the murders. One may have expected that he would not take the job, but as a former cop, he felt an affinity to his brothers in blue and was compelled to help to solve these murders. While investigating these murders, more occurred with one hitting close to home. Booker is now more than ever compelled to find the killer before he kills again. The question is, How are these murders related if at all? What is the motive, is it revenge or is it vigilante killings.

Like the previous books in the series, there is a lot going on, but everything is intricately woven together. I found this installment to be a bit emotional. Events took place that I wished had not, and it left me feeling sad. There was not a lot of action like I had come to expect. However, there were so many twists and turns its a wonder, I did not get whiplash. There was danger lurking everywhere and it was not easy to figure out who was next on the killer's list. The ending took me by surprise. Based on the ending, I figured fans can expect more from this series.

What I like about this series is that things are not always black and white. Mr. Mefford has a way of taking his readers out of their comfort zone, causing them to experience things they would not have, under normal circumstances. He pulls you into his stories and you become invested in his characters that you can't help but feel their pain, rejoice when they triumph and mourn when they leave.

Like the previous books in the series, Dead Heat can be read as a stand-alone. However, I would recommend that you begin reading from book one as you will be better able to appreciate the phases that the characters go through with each installment.

If you love mysteries/thrillers and want a new series to sink your teeth in, then Booker would be a great place to start. You will not regret it.

I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.

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  • 19 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 19 November, 2015: Reviewed