Your High-Risk Pregnancy by Diana Raab, Errol Norwitz

Your High-Risk Pregnancy

by Diana Raab and Errol Norwitz

This useful book gives sound, straightforward advice about prenatal care, analyzing and diagnosing high-risk factors, and describing the tests, medications, and procedures necessary for a healthy pregnancy. The authors offer specific ways to cope with the rollercoaster of emotions and medical issues that arise during this process. Beginning with a general guide to successful conception, the book explains the risks and addresses the most pressing concerns. Throughout the text, the authors check in with the men and women involved, showing them how to explore their feelings about the pregnancy, their emotions toward the baby, and how to build a solid support system. Each chapter contains journaling exercises, which are extremely important given the amount of bed-rest required in difficult pregnancies. Here too are informed discussions of natural birth versus C-section, the use of antibiotics and painkillers, and how to cope with miscarriages and premies. Your High-Risk Pregnancy is a complete, caring companion during pregnancy and beyond.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

3 of 5 stars

Health issues and risks are just a part of life especially with life and body altering things like pregnancy. So often when we hear an unfamiliar and possible risk we search the internet or other and hear about every worst case-no hope scenario. What we need is a supportive and practical bundle of sage advice and that is what is gathered in these pages.

From getting pregnant to being pregnant through birth and even some after the fact, this book can provide facts without scaring you half to death. Questions? There are most likely covered here. This book is a friend and helping hand toward calm in the midst of chaos.

*Thanks to Hunter House, Inc for providing a copy for review.*

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  • 16 January, 2010: Reviewed