Sleigh Bells in the Snow by Sarah Morgan

Sleigh Bells in the Snow (O'Neil Brothers, #1)

by Sarah Morgan

Sarah Morgan puts the magic in Chrismas" - Now Magazine - Kayla Green's Christmas Survival Strategy! Once upon a time, Christmas was Kayla Green's favourite time of the year. Then family heartbreak shattered that fairytale.

Now all marketing expert Kayla wants for Christmas is for it to be over - as fast as possible! So spending the holidays working to put a family resort called Snow Crystal on the map, is a dream come true. Jackson O'Neil left a thriving business behind to return home and salvage Snow Crystal - it's in his blood, and he'll never turn his back on it. Now he's got Kayla Green working with him, success is on the horizon. The fact they strike enough sparks off each other to power all the Christmas lights in the town is just an added bonus! Kayla might be an expert at her job, but she's out of her depth with Jackson - he makes her crave the happy-ever-after she once dreamt of, and it's terrifying. As the snowflakes continue to fall, will the woman who doesn't believe in the magic of Christmas finally fall under its spell..?


Book 1 - Sleigh Bells in the Snow

Book 2 - Suddenly Last Summer - available July 2014

Book 3 - Maybe This Christmas - available October 2014

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

5 of 5 stars

I love holiday themed books and was excited to crack open Sleigh Bells in the Snow by Sarah Morgan. I was expecting a heart-warming romance filled with holiday magic, but this novel was so much more. It turned out to be my favorite read of the holiday season! It introduced me to a new author and perhaps the greatest gift of all the O’Neil Brothers and a new series to swoon over. Mini review: Wonderfully fleshed out characters and small-town charm. This left me yearning for a holiday in Snow Crystal, Vermont.
Kayle Green avoids Christmas and all the hopeless feelings and memories that it brings to the surface. She demands complete control of her emotions at all times. She immerses herself in business and this has made her a successful PR agent. Jackson O’Neil has made a name for himself and built a successful empire. When his family’s business in Snow Crystal is in danger of going under, after the death of his father, he immediately steps in to save the business. Dealing with stubborn family members in fear of change can be harder then facing a crowded board room. He needs a PR firm, and personally requests Kayle Green who has earned the reputation of being the best in the business. Looking to avoid all things, “Christmas” Kayle agrees to spend a week in Snow Crystal the week of Christmas. Her efforts to avoid Christmas might just have her taking risks and enjoying life. The tale that unfolds held me spellbound as holiday magic, gingerbread men and moose stole my heart.

Sarah Morgan is a new to me author, and I could just Squee with joy after meeting the characters in Sleigh Bells in the Snow. I love small town romances and family tales. Not since Robyn Carr and Belle Andre have I been this excited about a series, place and family. The O’Neil brothers stole my heart, as did their family and the folks who work at their resort. Jackson is the oldest O’Neil brother and downright yummy. Ladies, you will have to get in line behind me. He is a family man, smart, and funny with the deepest blue eyes and half smile. Did I mention- facial scruff? Trust me he will turn your knees to jelly. I love confident woman, but typically do not connect with powerhouse business woman. Kayle though is flawed, funny, sweet and so passionate about her job that I easily connected with her. I felt for the emotional, disconnected, thirteen year old living inside her. I needed wanted her to find her happy. Grandparents, a moody teenager , a French chef and more are introduced to us . Each has a unique voice and I cannot wait to learn about them. We also meet Jackson’s brothers. Sean is a successful orthopedic surgeon who works in New York, and Tyler the youngest is a former Olympic skier. Both are completely swoon worthy ladies and I for one cannot wait for their stories.

In, Sleigh Bells in the Snow, Morgan not only gives us a couple to root for, she introduces us to a family that is wonderfully fleshed out. The resort and town of Snow Crystal, Vermont, sprang to life on the pages. I personally want to book a week in the secluded cabins that offer. Morgan’s writing style is descriptive, and I could practically feel the snow beneath my feet and taste the hot chocolate. Skiing, horse drawn sleigh rides and a midnight ride on a dog sled delivered delicious holiday magic. The O’Neil family was wonderful from the teasing to the bickering. I felt like I was right in the kitchen with them. Someone please, pass me the mashed potatoes. Every time I had to set this book down I craved to pick it back up. The romance was sweet, and while it occurred over one short week, it built slowly. we had to wait for the heat but when Morgan brought it I all but melted.

Copy received in exchange for unbiased review​. ​Review​ originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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