Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

Before I start my review, I want to thank Joseph Souza for allowing me to review Need To Find You.

**All opinions stated in this review are mine and mine alone. I received Need To Find You from Joseph Souza for free for my honest and unbiased review.**

Now, onto my review:

Format read in: Kindle

Author: Joseph Souza

Publisher: Kindle Press

Date of publication: March 15 2016

Where the book can be found: Amazon (Kindle and Paperback). Please remember that the prices can and will change.

Genre: Suspense, Mystery, Thriller

How many pages: 404 pages

Book synopsis:

Yasmine ‘Yaz’ Weeks would prefer to forget her troubled past and the vile crimes committed against her, but when she discovers a hidden memoir in a kidnapped girl’s cell phone, Yaz finds herself on the run with an opportunity for retribution. She soon learns that the memoir has the potential to ruin both the reputation of its late great author, Robert Cornish, as well as the reputations of many influential people.

Whip Billings, an ex-cop, unwittingly becomes entangled in the mystery of the missing phone. Realizing that this newfound memoir could significantly hurt the sales of Cornish’s classic novel, Force of Will, he begins to search for Yaz. But why are the cops, and a mysterious drug kingpin known only as The Viking, also looking for her?

In his quest to find Yaz, Whip uncovers a vast network of political corruption, long hidden family secrets, and a series of reprehensible crimes. As the bodies in town begin to pile up, Whip knows that he must track down Yaz before she also turns up dead.

My review:

I really, really liked this book. From the beginning….when we met Yaz to the end, it was a rollercoaster ride of thrills. You didn’t know what you were going to get from one chapter to another. I also liked that the author didn’t hide who the bad guys are and he did skirt the line as to what characters were defined bad or corrupt. He made you think about what you would do in certain situations…how would you react? Would you act the same as these characters did? Would you make that choice that could potentially send you down the wrong/right path? Very thought-provoking because of all the gray areas that were brought up in the book.

I really liked Yaz’s character. She was badass (I mean, she’s a drummer in a band called The Kuntz”….lol) but at the same time, she had a soft spot. She worked in a shelter for homeless teens. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time to get Mikiela’s cell phone. The flashbacks we get from her childhood were awful.

I liked Whip’s character just as much but I didn’t feel bad for him, at all. Well, I did at the beginning, I mean he was attending a funeral for his mother but after that, all sympathy went poof. See, he is an alcoholic and had 1 year sober when he threw it all away to meet with an old contact to help locate his missing kinda step daughter…Mikiela.

The other substories (the one with the Assistant Police Chief, Krell, Cornish and Whip’s ex fiance) were blended beautifully into the book. Each ended towards the end of the book and they were merged beautifully with the substory.

I loved the ending and finding out who The Viking was and what drove him to do his crimes was great. I was very surprised to find out who he was, to be honest but looking back, it made sense and fit perfectly into the story.

3 Things I liked about Need To Find You:

1) Yaz

2) Whip

3) Storyline

3 Things I disliked about Need To Find You:

1) Krell

2) The Viking

3) Haskins
How many stars will I give Need To Find You: 4

Why? While a very well written mystery/thriller/suspense book, the violence of the crimes got to me. Don’t get me wrong, they didn’t take away from the book itself but it got repetitive after a while for me.

Will I recommend it to family and friends? Yes

Will I reread? Yes

Age Range? Adult

Why? Extreme violence, some sexual situations, drug use and memories of horrific child abuse.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 3 July, 2016: Finished reading
  • 3 July, 2016: Reviewed