Reviewed by Berls on

4 of 5 stars

This review appeared first at Fantasy is More Fun.

**This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence.**

4.5 Stars

As much as I enjoyed Follow, I enjoyed Like so much more. I think its because Follow was vacation, and while I can't say I've ever had a gorgeous movie star decide he wants to dominate me on vacation, that is the stuff of vacations. People let lose on vacation. They eat too much. Drink too much. And some get a little wild.

But in Like, the vacation is over. Now this shit feels real. Grace has a job to do. Vaughn has his life. I'd like to tell you about his life, but the surprises are part of the pleasure. Lets just say he is surprising and I'm growing to really like him. I like Grace too - though I think Shakespeare's Queen Gertrude hit the nail on the head when she said, "the lady doth protest too much, me thinks." Grace wants this so bad and, since it feels wrong to want it, she balks at about every gesture. Which was perfect, because I think its what any self-sufficient, fiercely independent, hard-working woman would do. And I love her for it.

Besides getting to know Grace and Vaughn much better, there's hot sex. Duh! I know, but it has to be said. Yeah, it gets really intense - and I love that it crosses from phone sex, twitter sex (am I the only one who didn't know that was a thing?), to in person.

Hot, hot, hot. Though I did have one small confusion. It's called Like, which is Facebook, not Twitter (right? That star is "favorite" right?). So I thought there would be Facebook action and I was thrown off. Oh well, I don't like Facebook much anyway ;) Ready for the third installment!

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  • Started reading
  • 21 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 21 November, 2014: Reviewed