Once and Future World by MR J B MacKinnon

Once and Future World

by MR J B MacKinnon

"An award-winning ecology writer goes looking for the wilderness we've forgotten. Many people believe that only an ecological catastrophe will change humanity's troubled relationship with the natural world. In fact, as J.B. MacKinnon argues in this unorthodox look at the disappearing wilderness, we are living in the midst of a disaster thousands of years in the making--and we hardly notice it. We have forgotten what nature can be and adapted to a diminished world of our own making. In The Once and Future World, MacKinnon invites us to remember nature as it was, to reconnect to nature in a...Read more

Reviewed by Beth C. on

4 of 5 stars

Realistically, I *know* that we have changed our world. Animals are dying/becoming extinct at an ever-increasing pace, global warming is drastically changing what we have come to know as the norm...and I have often wondered how so many people can be so blind to the reality that is out there. In this book, we have the answer.

I find it both reassuring and terribly frightening that people can be so blind to their past, and willing to continue being blind, that there is actually a name for it. The idea that humans get used to the status quo, but then their descendents get used to a different (and often lesser) one, explains so much of the denial of reality of so many.

'The Once and Future World' is a great read, maybe even a must-read for many. It's written in clear language, and it's an interesting look into the very human nature that can both destroy and save the planet as we know it. We all have a choice to know our past in order to save the future - will you take up that challenge?

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  • Started reading
  • 20 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 20 November, 2013: Reviewed