Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars

Sassy’s heading into the zone…the Kinky Zone

I think Eve Dangerfield is a wonderful and talented author. BUT…every bloody time she sends me a message, the panic sets in. WHAT WILL SHE THINK OF NEXT? This chick loves pushing me out of my comfort zone. More times than not I’ve got to the end of her stories and can’t help but thank her for the shove. This does not make it easier to pick up her next read, mind you. I still get nervous and read the blurbs with one eye open.

So, she sends me the blurb for Act Your Age and asks very nicely if I would like an advanced copy. I ALWAYS accept, but I ALWAYS warn her that this might be the one that pushes me too far.


‘Daddy’ play?!?!

Oh boy, this is it. There's no way I'll survive. Eve's pushing me into…The Kinky Zone…

Now, talking about sexy books with a wee bit of kink in them is somewhat embarrassing for me. I’m going to have to ask you to step into my Kinky Cone of Silence… If kinky reads are not for you, stop, step away, and I’ll see you on the flipside.

I started the story a little hesitantly. How does ‘Daddy’ play start? Is this something that happens at a sex club? Do you advertise? The thing that had me gobsmacked was that at first I was like…*Wow, that is HOT!!* Mind you, it was just her using the word and him being a little bit bossy. I thought I could hack it if this is what it’s all about. Boy, was I naïve. Like, really, really naïve. Very quickly I went from HOT to Ewww. Nope, this is definitely not my thing. Hmmm, maybe I ain’t so tough after all.

Funny thing is, the writing was fabulous and I couldn’t stop. I was curious and I couldn’t look away. I started and finished this book in one day. Hubby would come in for something and I would tell him a little bit about what I was reading and his face would go really blank. I’d seen this face before. This face means…My wife is weird, but I love her, so I guess whatever floats her boat…and as long as she doesn’t start calling me Daddy.

What I found amazing about this story was analysing how these characters came to be and what made them feel the need for this sexual outlet. Both the hero and heroine felt years of embarrassment and shame for having the type of sexual fantasies they craved. The amount of inner conflict they suffered through, talking themselves out of wanting what they wanted and settling for something less, made me feel sorry for them. It takes strength and courage to be different and finding someone who wants that same kind of different is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Obviously, Act Your Age is not a book for everyone. Reading this book blasted me past my comfort zone and into the red light district. What made this journey amazing is that even when I was uncomfortable with how the role playing played out, I never felt the need to stop reading. It was fascinating and a little disturbed. The phrase “Whatever floats your boat” was playing on repeat in my head.

This is a love story, that's just a little different. Age doesn’t matter, when you're both comfortable with it. We’re all different but if you can find the person to accept and love your differences, you're very lucky. Each to their own and all that jazz.

I’m stepping out of the Kinky Cone of Silence and heading back to the safe zone.

Stacey is Sassy, received a complimentary copy of this story. The copy provided is not the final copy and may be subject to edits and changes.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 10 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 10 September, 2017: Reviewed