Reviewed by Eve1972 on

5 of 5 stars


I like this cover. I mean there are two dudes on it so it's already a good representation of the book. What I particularly like though is the title work. It is unique and eye catching.

OMG this book! It was just SO SO excellent. It was fantastically well written and nicely paced. It had angst. It had feels. It had hot sex scenes. It had interesting secondary characters. It had two very likable main characters. One hiding his true self to scared of what others will think to reach out and embrace happiness. The other ready to embrace all life has to offer no matter what and refusing to accept anything less.

Maxim...what can I say about this character. I loved him. He was sweet. He was so very strong. My heart broke for him. My heart also broke for Derek. To be so afraid of what others will think you fight against your very own nature. To have everything you've ever dreamed of right in your hand but be too scared to take that final chance..gah. These two made me bawl like a baby.

There is not much more to say. One of the best M/M books I have read in ages. Two HUGE thumbs up from your truly.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 June, 2017: Finished reading
  • 13 June, 2017: Reviewed