Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Madam Temptress by Meghan March is the stunning conclusion to the Magnolia Duet. This series took me on a ride that left me in awe and had me wanting more. On the completion of Creole Kingpin, the first book in the series, I waited with bated breath to dive into book two. It was definitely worth the wait.

When book one ended, Magnolia and Moses were in a wonderful place after fifteen years of separation. However, a hitman seeking revenge was determined to destroy their newfound happiness. However, Moses determination to protect his woman with his last breath may prove to be a deterrent in this quest for vengeance.

This book delivered all I hoped for and more. Explosive, thrilling, suspenseful and downright sexy. It featured a swoon worthy alpha male and his strong, badass and beautiful female partner. The hero and heroine from another of the author’s well-loved series also made an appearance, providing fans the chance to catch up with beloved characters.

In my review of Creole Kingpin I mentioned that Moses had secrets, which made me wary, even though he had grown on me. Those secrets came to light in this installment, and I am happy to report that the revelation eased my wariness and I ended up liking him more than I did before.

Readers who enjoy a swoon worthy romance with lots of sizzling will be elated to know that this book delivered on all counts. Their love for each other resonated throughout the story and although they have may not have been the typical romantic hero and heroine, it was clear they were made for each other.

March did a splendid job with this series. She created a stunning love story that will resonate with her fans. Overall, this was an enjoyable read and one I would recommend without reservations. Happy reading.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 April, 2020: Finished reading
  • 14 April, 2020: Reviewed