Shop Your Closet by Melanie Charlton Fascitelli

Shop Your Closet

by Melanie Charlton Fascitelli

In this lovely illustrated four-colour guide, closet expert Melanie Charlton shows readers how to redesign their closets and get the most out of their wardrobes. "Shop Your Closet" explains how to pare down your wardrobe, how to choose the essential items that are just right for your lifestyle, how to rework your closet logistically, how to store your clothes and shoes so they last longer, and provides helpful tips on keeping your closet clean and tidy. She covers all aspects of personal wardrobe maintenance, from shopping to hanging and folding to consignment and donation. To appeal to a sophisticated crowd - it addresses not only clothing but storage of all the items crucial to any budding (or seasoned) fashionist's wardrobe, like handbags, belts, hats, shoes and accessories. There are solutions for all the different types of closets: reach-ins, walk-ins, wardrobes and armoires, punctuated by beautiful colour photos and colour line drawings.

Reviewed by Joséphine on

3 of 5 stars

Useful for those just starting out to organize their closets, for hoarders and for shopaholics who claim there's nothing worthy to be worn in their closets.

For those who already have an organizing system, there's no real need to read this. A lot of the information is stuff most readers can figure out for themselves. Although, perhaps one might be able to glean a nifty trick or two to improve said system.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 14 June, 2013: Reviewed