Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

Charlotte and Mason were childhood friends that grew apart as they aged. Charlotte marries and later regrets her choice, and she turns to Mason for the love and intimacy she needs. There are several sweet and spicy romantic escapades between Charlotte and Mason. The characters are so well-written they draw you into the story. I commiserated with Charlotte as she endured her husband's actions. I cheered Mason on as he decided to be there for her no matter what. Charlotte is kind and sweet with an inner strength and adventurous spirit that surprised me. She did what was needed and refused to just exist but reached out for adventure determined to live. Throughout the story I was kept on edge hoping that Mason would triumph and Charlotte would be happy and safe. I'll admit there were tears and for anyone that's ever watched someone they love go through a bad relationship or marriage you will I instantly identify with this story. Don't miss this story it will pull on all your emotions, and you'll love every minute---I did.

Reviewed by Michelle for Cocktails and Books

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  • 7 September, 2013: Reviewed