Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars

Joya Ryan has done it again with the third book in the Chasing series.  By "done it again" I mean that she has written another book that I thoroughly enjoyed.  And by thoroughly enjoyed, I mean that I may have had an out of body experience after Autumn and Huck's first "encounter."  Um yeah.

Huck and Autumn are both filled with baggage.  Autumn is used to being on her own, with no real friends or family to depend on. Huck has a huge issue with commitment and likes the be the guy who leaves at the end of the night.  These two make quite a couple!  Sometimes when characters are so rife with issues, it drives me nuts.  I have to say that I did not feel annoyed at all by their issues and appreciated how Ms. Ryan set them up to move beyond those issues with each other.

Autumn has no real friends to speak of and she gets pulled into a group of girlfriends in Diamond.  She never really had friends she could talk to and depend on and she never truly realized the value of having people to count on, until you actually do. She is a fantastic character, gutsy, independent and funny!

As for Huck?  This explains it pretty well:
Jesus, the man was mouth-watering hot.  A small town good ol' boy with a wild side and ink to match it.

No one looked at her the way Huck did.  Like she was desirable.  Like she was more than what she appeared.


He kind of took me by surprise at times.  He is so hell bent on being that "leaver" but he is a really passionate, sweet and giving lover.  Huck and Autumn are quite well matched, one isn't all that dominant over the other so much as they just worked well in and out of bed.  There were times where little things he said to her ("I'm lovin' on you.") made get all melty.

"It's fine."

He nodded.  "Yeah, I know. You're strong.  Everything will always be fine."  He cupped her face and brought her lips to his.  "But you deserve better than fine.  You deserve amazing."


Yeah.  I kinda love Huck.  Great book, great epilogue and I can't wait for more in this series!!!



This review was originally posted on Straight Shootin' Book Reviews

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  • 7 February, 2015: Finished reading
  • 7 February, 2015: Reviewed