The Marriage Merger by Jennifer Probst

The Marriage Merger (Marriage to a Billionaire, #4)

by Jennifer Probst

Julietta Conte, the middle sister in the Conte family, has spent the last few years watching her siblings settle down into happy marriages and burgeoning families while she wondered when her turn would come. As the responsible sister, she learned early that work was not only her salvation but also a way to control the factors around her. Now, devastated after the death of her father, she flings herself into the task of running the family bakery business, La Dolce Famiglia, and inherits control of the Italian empire after her older brother takes off to America to start a new chain.

But as loneliness sets in, Juliette worries that she's destined to spend her life alone. She decides she will give her life to her career, but deep inside, she burns for someone to set her on fire. Her sisters Alexa, Maggie and Carina all believe they met their husbands by completing a love spell, and at her sisters' urging, she reluctantly agrees to cast one herself.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

When her brother-in-law's friend Sawyer Wells proposes an exclusive deal in his new international chain of exclusive hotels Julietta Conte jumps at the chance. It is just another way to showcase her family's business, La Dolce Famiglia bakery, and prove to her family that she is more than capable of being its top executive. Her sisters have found their happiness in marriage, but Julietta has contented herself with being a phenomenal business woman. What she doesn't anticipate is the intense desire she feels for Sawyer, forcing her to rethink her mantra of not mixing business with pleasure.

Juliette is a take no prisoners corporate leader who works hard to make her family's company successful. She is a strong, independent woman navigating through a man's world and makes no apologizes for doing so. Unfortunately all her success in business leaves her at a lose for how to navigate her personal life, especially when it comes to men. Her insecurity shines through and makes her vulnerable to Sawyer in a way that she never anticipated. To say Sawyer had a rough upbringing is putting it mildly, but he is able to rise above it to become a successful businessman. He desperately wants to show Julietta a good time in the bedroom but even he is unprepared for the feelings that come about from their liaison. Jennifer Probst is able to skillfully portray both a strength and vulnerability among both the characters that have to decide whether they are willing to risk it all on the line for the chance at something more.

Reviewed by Lucy for Cocktails and Books

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  • 14 July, 2013: Reviewed