Lothaire by Kresley Cole

Lothaire (Immortals After Dark, #11)

by Kresley Cole

From the humblest of beginnings a millennia ago, Lothaire the Enemy of Old rose to power, becoming the most feared and evil vampire in the immortal world. Driven by his past, he will not rest until he captures the vampire Horde's crown for himself.
The discovery of his Bride, the female meant only for him, threatens to derail his plot. She is a mere mortal, a glaring vulnerability for a male with so many deadly foes bent on annihilating anything he desires. Yet soon he discovers his Bride's secret. A magnificent power dwells inside the fragile human, one that will aid his quest.
But to possess that power, he will have to destroy her. Will Lothaire succumb to the torments of his past, or seize a future with her. . . ?

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

This has got to be my favorite out of the series by far. Lothaire has always been an intriguing character in my opinion, and to have his back story, WOW. I loved this book through its entirety and so pleased and Ms. Cole has yet to fail me in my opinion of her, and the love I have of her books. If you want to see a different side of Lothaire the Enemy of Old, I suggest you read this book.

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  • 23 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 23 March, 2013: Reviewed