The Debutante's Dilemma is a historical romance set in 1800's London, in the height of the Season. It is a time of strict moral codes of behavior and the Cecilia Hastings is far more passionate than her prim and proper fellow debutantes. Cecilia was a likeable character, and as relatable as a character from another century and society can be. Her emotional struggle between her heart and the rules of society was well-written and well-developed, and drew me in as a reader. While you knew from the beginning where the story was leading, getting there was still an enjoyable thing. I did wonder how there was going to be a satisfying ending, as the story was leading to something other than what society at that time would have expected. But the ending did answer the remaining questions satisfactorily, if a little rushed. There was a bit of an erotic turn to the story, but it didn't overshadow the book and was not the primary focus of the story.
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4 January, 2011:
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4 January, 2011: