Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

The Roads to Damascus takes place four years after A Life for A Life. Abit (or VJ) is home after being expelled from The Hicks. A family of con artists takes his school for a large amount of money. They also set Abit up to take the fall. Abit decides that he needs to find them and their other victims. His journey leads him through Virginia and back to North Carolina. During this journey, Abit learns that not all smarts come from the brain and that there was a place in the world for people like him. It is up to him to embrace who he is.

The plotline for The Roads to Damascus was straightforward. It follows Abit as he pursues the family of con people who took his school for a lot of money. It was well written with memorable characters. I didn’t like that the book was told only from Abit’s POV. The back and forth between Della and Abit in the first book was lacking here. But, I could see why the author decided to only write from Abit’s POV. It was his journey that needed to be told. And what a journey it was!!

I loved Abit in this book. I loved watching his character grow in this book. I knew that I was in for something special when he went to Washington D.C. to with Della and started on his journey. The bumbling, childish manchild morphed into a mature man who knew his worth. I loved it. Of course, he made mistakes along the way. He learned from them and moved on. His journey, which first started being about him, ended up being about other people.

I was a little afraid for Abit at points in the book. He didn’t exactly keep it on the down-low that he was after Mama, Clarice, and Clayne. Some of the situations that he got into scared me. There were points in the book where I kept saying to myself “Abit, GO home.” Of course, I knew that he couldn’t.

I wouldn’t call The Roads to Damascus a mystery. There was next to no mystery in the book. The only mystery was when Abit was going to catch up with Mama, Clarice, and Clayne. But there was plenty of adventure and plenty of action. I would say that it was a good fit in those genres instead.

There was romance in The Roads to Damascus!! I wasn’t expecting it, and I loved it. I thought that Fiona was a perfect match for Abit. After what Clarice put him through, I was worried that he wouldn’t be able to trust anyone again.

The end of The Roads to Damascus was pretty typical. I knew that what happened was going to happen. I liked seeing Abit show up everyone who had doubted him.

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  • 5 May, 2019: Reviewed