Marriage Made In Rebellion by Sophia James

Marriage Made In Rebellion (The Penniless Lords, #3)

by Sophia James

He prayed this might never stop.
This-now-here in Spain, with Alejandra in his arms. Severely wounded Captain Lucien Howard, Earl of Ross, has a boat waiting to take him home. If she remains in his company the beautiful woman who saved his life will be compromised. The harsh light of dawn will send each of them their different ways. Lucien thinks of his family and his ancient crumbling estate. He can't stay in war-torn Spain. Yet neither can he stop his arms from tightening about Alejandra as he breathes her in...

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Captain Lucien Howard, Earl of Ross is severely wounded in Spain during the Napoleonic wars there, he's nursed back to Alejandra who is part of a resistance movement but his life is in danger still. Trying to find her again will not be easy.

A bit meh on this one, the coincidences kept racking up and the story stretched my plausibility.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 23 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 23 November, 2016: Reviewed