Sweet Vengeance by Fern Michaels

Sweet Vengeance

by Fern Michaels

"Tessa Jamison couldn't have imagined anything worse than losing her beloved twin girls and husband--until she was convicted of their murder. For ten years, she has counted off the days in Florida's Correctional Center for Women, fully expecting to die behind bars. Fighting to prove her innocence holds little appeal now that her family's gone. But on one extraordinary day, her lawyers announce that Tessa's conviction has been overturned due to a technicality, and she's released on bail to await a new trial. Hounded by the press, Tessa retreats to the small tropical island owned by her late husband's pharmaceutical company. There, she begins to gather knowledge about her case. For the first time since her nightmare began, Tessa feels a sense of purpose in working to finally expose the truth and avenge her lost family. One by one, the guilty will be led to justice, and Tessa can gain closure. But will she be able to learn the whole truth at last . . . and reclaim her freedom and her future?" -- Publisher.

Reviewed by pagesbycyndy on

4 of 5 stars

I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Sweet Vengeance = sweet read! I literally devoured this page turner in about three hours. I had to keep reading until I found out who was behind the murders of Tessa's identical twin girls and her husband. Tessa spent ten years in prison wrongfully convicted and railroaded for the murders. I felt for Tessa on page one and was so happy when she was released but all was not over, the real killer was still out there. I was so angry for Tessa when it was revealed how little investigating the police did and how they quickly pinned the crimes on Tessa without collecting enough evidence. You could feel Tessa's anger at this jump off the pages, this is how well written and well developed the character of Tessa was. By the end of the book I was completely surprised at what really happened to Tessa's family. This book definitely was a fast paced Mystery/Thriller with a touch of feel good romance.This review was originally posted on My Fiction Obsession

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  • Started reading
  • 29 May, 2018: Finished reading
  • 29 May, 2018: Reviewed