Emotions Explained with Buff Dudes by Andrew Tsyaston

Emotions Explained with Buff Dudes

by Andrew Tsyaston

Owlturd Comics playfully documents the ironies and weirdnesses of millennial life. Like a male Sarah’s Scribbles, Owlturd Comics frankly and fearlessly finds humor in failures of career, romance, anger management, sleep habits, and more.

In a casually weird, super relatable, pop-culture-inflected observational style perfectly attuned to the adulting generation, Owlturd Comics is full of heart. Life is often personified as a buff dude that Shen combats on a day-to-day basis. So are student loans, winter, and many, many other things.

Shen’s art style is visually distinctive, popular with young people, and emotionally expressive. In addition, his frequent considerations of larger questions like randomness, fate, death, and the might of Cthulhu make him relatable for audiences far beyond young adults.

Reviewed by writehollydavis on

5 of 5 stars

Hilarious and sadly very relatable. Lol

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  • 17 May, 2022: Reviewed