The Wedding Ring Quest by Carla Kelly

The Wedding Ring Quest (Mills & Boon Historical) (Harlequin Historical, #1181) (Harlequin Historical, #1181) (Harlequin Historical, #1181) (Harlequin Historical, #1181) (Harlequin Historical, #1181)

by Carla Kelly

SEARCHING FOR A RING...FINDING A FAMILY! Penniless Mary Rennie knows she's lucky to have a home with relatives in Edinburgh, but she does crave more excitement in her life. So when her cousin's ring is lost in one of several fruitcakes heading around the country as gifts Mary seizes the chance for adventure. When widowed Captain Ross Rennie and his son meet Mary in a coaching inn they take her under their wing. After years of battling Napoleon, Ross finds his soul is war-weary, but Mary's warmth and humour touch him deep inside. Soon he's in the most heart-stopping...Read more

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

Enjoyed it but I'm not sure that I wouldn't have made him grovel a bit more and I'd prefer to have seen them face their demons in England rather than run half way across the world to try to escape them, but that's a personal preference with this sort of story. For the record I eat and enjoy fruit cake.

Mary Rennie is the penniless cousin living with relatives in Edinburgh. Her cousin in a fit of pique threw a ring into the batter of a fruit cake four of which are sent around England as gifts. Mary goes off on an adventure to try and discover them and rescue the ring. She meets up with Captain Ross Rennie and his son and their travels converge. He finds that she brings some life back into his life and maybe a hope of a future, but he does something that chases her away, can he reclaim the love, and can she forgive him.

I enjoyed it, mostly, a light story, not bad and the adventures were fun.

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  • Started reading
  • 11 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 11 August, 2014: Reviewed