Unparallel Worlds by Alisa Jeruconoka

Unparallel Worlds

by Alisa Jeruconoka

"Unparallel Worlds" is a YA Fantasy Fiction novel, which introduces young adults to a different type of genre, from the ones that have recently filled the market. The story moves away from the likes of vampires, werewolves and offers the readers completely different world full of weird genetically modified creatures and magnificent characters whose epic adventure, unconditional love and ultimate sacrifice also becomes the secret to saving the universe. The book is a true page- turner and unlimited as your imagination where you the reader will be taken on a ride that leads to modern day Earth, you will...Read more

Reviewed by Sarah Says on

5 of 5 stars

I read this book a while ago and absolutely fell in love with it. Can't wait for the sequel.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 17 January, 2013: Reviewed