The Truth About Love and Dukes by Laura Lee Guhrke

The Truth About Love and Dukes (Dear Lady Truelove, #1)

by Laura Lee Guhrke

Dear Lady Truelove ...I have fallen in love, truly and completely in love, for the first time. The man whom I hold in such passionate regard, however, is not of my station. He is a painter, a brilliant artist. Needless to say, my family would not approve ...Henry, Duke of Torquil, wouldn't be caught reading the wildly popular "Dear Lady Truelove" column, but when its advice causes his mother to embark on a scandalous elopement, an outraged Henry decides the author of this tripe must be stopped before she can ruin any more lives. Though Lady Truelove's identity is a closely guarded secret, Henry has reason to suspect the publisher of the notorious column, beautiful and provoking Irene Deverill, is also its author. For Irene, it's easy to advise others to surrender to passion, but when she meets the Duke of Torquil, she soon learns that passion comes at a price. When one impulsive, spur-of-the-moment kiss pulls her into a scorching affair with Henry, it could destroy her beloved newspaper, her career, and her independence. But in the duke's arms, surrender is so, so sweet ...

Reviewed by Rowena on

4 of 5 stars

After a slow beginning, the story picks up and I ended up really enjoying this book. The duke was a little hard for me to warm up to because of his Darcy like attitude in the beginning but the change in his thinking and treatment of others gets a good overhaul so by the end, I loved the heck out of him. Irene was a great historical feminist, one that I connected with at pretty much every turn. Together, they were a great couple and I'm very much looking forward to the next book in this series.

Full review to come.

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  • Started reading
  • 16 January, 2018: Finished reading
  • 16 January, 2018: Reviewed