Raging Star by Moira Young

Raging Star (Dust Lands, #3)

by Moira Young


Loyalty and betrayal. Lovers and enemies. The final installment
in the heart-stopping DUSTLANDS trilogy, which began with
the Costa Award-winning BLOOD RED ROAD and continued with REBEL
Saba doesn't know who she is any more. Her encounter with DeMalo
leaves her drawn to the man she knows should be her enemy.

She has no choice but to continue to lead the fight against

Saba knows the price of violence. She has lost too much in the
quest for freedom.

Now she must decide if it's worth the fight.

Reviewed by shannonmiz on

3 of 5 stars

This book was one of my most anticipated releases of the year. I knew that there would be twists and turns, and sadness and loss. And for a pretty decent portion of the book, I was able to roll with it all. I was into it, patiently waiting for the big conclusion. I enjoyed a lot of the character interactions, and loved the little third-person narratives spliced throughout. They gave insight beyond Saba's point of view without giving away too much information, and even added to the building suspense.

Saba is still wonderful, and full of spunk. I love that she makes mistakes and then owns them. I enjoyed watching everyone's relationships evolve, often in unexpected ways. I loved the betrayal, and scheming, and trying to figure out which character was up to some shady shenanigans, and who was truly on the "right" side of things. I loved trying to figure out the insane and quite frankly, depressing as hell, world they live in.

My problem came when it was time for the conclusion to said suspense. A lot went down in a very, very short period of time, and I felt.... nothing. I just wasn't moved by it. I don't know if it was how quickly the plot was moving, or the characters' reactions to things, but in places that I should have been having some very strong feelings or anticipation, I was just kind of emotionless.

I guess that it wasn't the ending itself that bugged me, just that I didn't understand why things were happening. I kept thinking there'd end up being some kind of bigger picture at the end, some reason for these twists, and there simply wasn't.

Bottom line: I still love Saba and company, am insanely intrigued by their world, but I just wish they'd been giving a more complete, more fitting send-off.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 22 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 22 May, 2014: Reviewed