Rick Riordan Presents: Storm Runner, The by J C Cervantes

Rick Riordan Presents: Storm Runner, The (Storm Runner, #1)

by J C Cervantes

Zane has always enjoyed exploring the dormant volcano near his home in New Mexico, even though hiking it is challenging. He'd much rather hang out there with his dog, Rosie, than go to middle school, where kids call him Sir Limps a Lot, McGimpster, or Uno--for his one good leg.

Reviewed by Nessa Luna on

4 of 5 stars

Ohh I really enjoyed this! Honestly, I am so happy with the Rick Riordan Presents books, because I was starting to get a bit tired by all the Greek/Roman/Norse Mythology retellings and because of this I can read about all those different mythologies and learn about them in a fun way (because sure I would learn more through a nonfiction book but they're usually very tedious).

I highly recommend this book if you loved Percy Jackson, Magnus Chase, Heroes of Olympus. I recommend this if you want to learn a bit about Maya mythology.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 January, 2020: Finished reading
  • 27 January, 2020: Reviewed