#Poser by Cambria Hebert

#Poser (Hashtag, #5)

by Cambria Hebert

Posers gonna pose
I am a man who had nothing, but found everything.
I’ll never go back to nothing ever again.
I vowed to protect her, and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.
The pictures I stumbled upon haunt me still, the secret I shoulder is heavy.
They say secrets put distance between two people, but the truth is far more destructive than keeping it will ever be.
I won’t ever tell. She can’t ever know.
When I look in the mirror my reflection is of who I’m afraid I’ll become and not the man I am.
It makes me feel like a poser, no better than all the others pretending to be exactly who they aren’t.
How does a man keep it together when everything is unraveling right here in his hands?
I didn’t start any of this.
I never asked for it.
But it came knocking at my door.
When secrets and threats knock, I don’t hide.
I open the door.
Because the best way to take down a poser is to be one.

Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

5 of 5 stars

Oh, wow. Just...wow.
So, the book started slow for me. I had no problems putting it down for some reason. It was odd because I devoured the series up to this point. But, the beginning felt like it was just sort of ho hum for me. Then, about 30-40% in, things go interesting. And by interesting I mean "WTF" kind of interesting. Here's why:
1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE when books give you snippets from the villains POV. Its tough because the author has to make them both human and horrible, ya know. Cambria did NOT disappoint with this and its probably one of the best villain POV's I have ever read.
2. Ivy's discovery of what happened to her (I won't say it in case you have read #Selfe). This is a super tough topic to tackle in a book. Too much and it comes off as really fake. Too little and it doesn't seem realistic. Again, Cambria made this so real I actually teared up for Ivy and Braeden. You can really feel the torment, confusion, hurt, and betrayal. Its powerful.
3. Holy crap the last few chapters are crazy action packed!!!!! It harkened back to #Hater and I loved every minute of it!

So, you do get a bit of closure, but lots of things are left open. What happens with Missy? What do Braeden and Ivy decide to major in? Is Braeden gonna get his shot with the Knights? Thankfully, Cambria is writing another book. Frankly, if I had my way, she would never stop writing these books. EVER. Do you hear me, Cambria? Never stop writing!
Book Stats:

Heat: 2
POV: Multiple
Violence: Some
Triggers: Some (mental health disorders, stalkers, sexual abuse)
HEA: Yes

Last modified on

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  • Started reading
  • 20 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 20 August, 2015: Reviewed