Loving Mr. Daniels by Brittainy C Cherry

Loving Mr. Daniels

by Brittainy C. Cherry

To Whom it May Concern,

It was easy to call us forbidden and harder to call us soulmates. Yet I believed we were both. Forbidden soulmates.

When I arrived to Edgewood, Wisconsin I didn’t plan to find him. I didn't plan to stumble into Joe's bar and have Daniel's music stir up my emotions. I had no clue that his voice would make my hurts forget their own sorrow. I had no idea that my happiness would remember its own bliss.

When I started senior year at my new school, I wasn’t prepared to call him Mr. Daniels, but sometimes life happens at the wrong time for all the right reasons.

Our love story wasn’t only about the physical connection.

It was about family. It was about loss. It was about being alive. It was silly. It was painful. It was mourning. It was laughter.

It was ours.

And for those reasons alone, I would never apologize for loving Mr. Daniels.

-Ashlyn Jennings

Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

I totally loved this book. It was worth the sleepless nights spent reading it.
What caught my attention initially was the blurb. I reckoned it would be a tale of a forbidden love affair between a teacher and his pupil. Yes it was but it was also more than that. When I delved in between the pages I received more than what I bargained for.

Loving Mr. Daniels is not your typical romantic story of boy meets girl, fall in love and then live happily ever after. It’s a story that speaks to life in general. It speaks about the pain endured from the loss of a loved one, healing, friendship, forgiveness and acceptance. It touches on several subjects that all readers can relate to one way or another. This story took me on an emotional roller coaster. I laughed and I cried, literally. It was easy to connect with the characters as I felt all the emotions they were experiencing.

In Loving Mr. Daniels we meet Ashlyn Jennings a 19 year old high school student who always has her nose buried in a book. She recently lost her twin sister to leukemia. This passing was devastating which was further intensified by her mother’s determination to send her live with her male parent who had not acted as a major character in her life for the past 19 years. While on her way to Wisconsin she met Daniel Daniels a 22 year old musician. These two connected instantly, however, this connection was to be tested when it was discovered that he was her teacher. I was silently rooting for these two. I so wanted them to be able work through their troubling situation.

This story did not just focus on Ashlyn and Daniel. When Ashlyn moved in with her dad she formed a bond with his step-children Ryan and Hailey. These two were easy to like. They accepted Ashlyn with ease. I totally loved Ryan. He was funny and entertaining; however, it was clear that underneath his antics he was hiding a deep seated pain.

I found the story to be an enjoyable read. It is the type of story that stays with you long after you have finished reading it. I have to admit there was a couple times I found myself reflecting back on certain aspect of the story that had impacted me in some way. This is my first time reading this author and after this awesome experience I can’t wait to see what next she has in store for her fans.


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  • 13 May, 2014: Reviewed