Eat What You Love - Love What You Eat by Michelle May

Eat What You Love - Love What You Eat

by Michelle May

From a physician and recovered yo-yo dieter comes an integrative, easy-to-follow plan that helps readers to stop obsessing about food and weight and start nourishing their bodies and minds to build optimal health, energy, and joy. No dieting, no drugs, no deprivation: May's plan has been called 'the antidote to ineffective dieting', going far beyond the obvious advice to eat less, exercise more. The author's simple system helps readers to re-establish hunger as the primary cue for eating, balance eating for health, and find pleasure and enjoyment with eating for health, and find pleasure in physical activity. This is a complete, integrative approach to permanent weight loss. Drawing from nutritionists, fitness experts, psychologists, and chefs, the author teaches readers how to: rediscover when, what, and how much to eat; experience the pleasure of eating the foods they love without guilt; build a fitness program that boosts metabolism and increases energy; and, prepare delicious, healthy meals with simple recipes.

Reviewed by mbtc on

5 of 5 stars

Great book on Intuitive Eating. Loved the personal stories from the author. Also got response from the author on Twitter when tweeting about the book and my IE experience. Wow!

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  • Started reading
  • 26 February, 2012: Finished reading
  • 26 February, 2012: Reviewed