Hard Evidence by Pamela Clare

Hard Evidence (I-Team, #2)

by Pamela Clare

After the murder of a teenage girl, a mysterious man in a black leather jacket was seen lurking near the crime scene. Investigative reporter Tessa Novak has him in her sights as the culprit...

That man was Julian Darcangelo, an undercover FBI agent working with the Denver police. He's closing in on the trail of a human trafficker and killer. Tessa's accusations could blow his cover, and he wants her off the investigation.

But just as Tessa has made Julian a target of interest, she is now a target of the killer. And as they are forced to trust each other, their physical attraction escalates as intensely as the threat from a ruthless murderer who wants to see both of them dead...

Reviewed by leelu92 on

3 of 5 stars

I have issues with this series but I will continue to read. The overuse of exclamation! points! is a big issue for me. Why? Why so many exclamation points Ms. Clare? And why do the heroines have to be so "damselly in distressy" at times? (yes I made that up). Tessa was tough at times and downright naive at times...it seemed uneven to me. As for Julian, I liked him. He had his issues and his attractive alpha traits.
Gonna keep reading :)

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 26 May, 2012: Finished reading
  • 26 May, 2012: Reviewed