Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Matthew Deluca works tirelessly trying to make his newly acquired Napa Valley winery a success in Monica Murphy’s Savor. Bryn James, his secretary, is the woman behind his success as they work hard to prepare for the grand reopening. Both are attracted to each other, but know that being employer and employee can make any relationship awkward. Also at play is Matt’s determination to win a bet that he has going with his two best friends, and he stands to win over one million dollars if he does not have sex or fall in love in the next forty five days.

Although I liked the book with parts that I really enjoyed, the characters made it really hard to love the book. Bryn is very insecure, and about halfway through the book you want to shake her. She has been through a lot due to her good looks but she fails to see how her new circumstances are any different than the old circumstances. Matt is so busy trying to overcompensate for the wrongs that his father has committed that he seems to take it to the other extreme. They have a good working relationship that has great potential, but they spend so much time dancing around each other that the ending seemed rushed and prevented a good book from being a great book.

Reviewed by Lucy for Cocktails and Books

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  • 26 January, 2014: Reviewed